Clean, Oil, Adjust (COA)
The Clean, Oil, and Adjust is an industry-wide recommended yearly service. It includes:
- Complete disassembly of the mechanism.
- Clean and oil the inside of the mechanism.
- Rods are re-fitted as needed
- All pads are cleaned and checked for integrity then, adjusted to ensure proper seal and response.
- Headjoint cork is replaced.
- Keys are regulated
- Tenons are cleaned and the fit is checked and adjusted if necessary.
- All instruments are play-tested thoroughly.
Overhaul (Restoration)
The Overhaul (Restoration) is for Flutes or piccolos that are beyond the scope of a C.O.A. It includes:
- Complete disassembly of the mechanism.
- Keys, posts, and bearings cleaned inside and out.
- Wood instruments - the body is cleaned, oiled, and examined and tested for cracks.
- Tone holes examined and refinished as needed for optimal sealing and pad life.
- Minor dents, scratches, removed. Major cosmetic work done for an additional fee.
- Keys, rollers, and rods re-fitted to factory or better standard.
- Tarnish removed, tarnish preventative applied.
- Tenon fits are cleaned and adjusted
- All felt, cork, and leather is replaced.
- Headjoint cork replaced.
- All pads are replaced and shimmed for response
- Keys are regulated.
- All instruments are play-tested thoroughly.
Hourly Work
Hourly work is anything outside the scope of a C.O.A or Overhaul and will be considered on a limited case by case basis.